Phoenix, AZ- Eugenia Korver (63) died today after falling over 1000 feet to the ground. Her Ex-husband had attached balloons to the lawn chair she was sitting in at their grandchild’s first birthday party. Some think it was a prank gone wrong, while others believe that Frank had finally killed her like they all thought he would one day.
Alice and Frank spent most of their grandson, Brayden’s 1st birthday at opposite ends of the party at a local park. Brayden, the 1 year old, had a fascination with balloons so Frank rented several tanks of helium and the largest U-Haul truck they had on the lot. Inside that U-Haul were close to 200 Extra large helium filled balloons all tied together. Right before the singing of Happy Birthday, Frank lifted the roll-up door on the truck and grabbed the rope fastened to all the balloons.

Frank withdrew the balloons from the truck to the delight of Brayden. Frank is roughly twice the weight of Eugenia, so he was still firmly planted to the ground while he carried the balloons. Eugenia continued to ignore her Ex-husband. After the balloons came the singing of Happy Birthday. During the finale of the song, Frank attached the rope to the lawn chair Eugenia was sitting in, let go of the rope, and with a gust of wind she soared close to 1000 feet into the air.
Tragically Eugenia would fall to her death soon after being airborne. Frank was taken in under suspicious of 2nd degree murder. Family relayed some information to authorities when they came to investigate. “Eugenia slept with an army buddy of Frank’s some years back that precipitated their divorce. We always imagined he would get back at her one of these days. It’s just hard to believe he would choose to do something so nefarious at his own grandson’s 1st birthday party. He must have planned in advance how many balloons would take her away and not him.”, said a family member who would only speak to us under the condition of anonymity.
Frank will not speak to authorities and has requested an attorney as is sitting in silence in the Maricopa County Jail. Brayden may not remember his 1st birthday, but he is sure to never forget it.
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