100’s Of Men Line Up To Pay Bond Of Woman Who Sucked Her Boyfriend’s Penis Off


Los Angeles, CA- Late last night, a Inglewood woman was arrested for sucking her boyfriend’s penis off. Before the court house was opened up this morning, over 250 men were already lined up to pay the bond for Becky Smithson (28), the woman with the incredible sucking power.

Becky had been performing oral sex on her boyfriend last evening, when she sucked his penis clean off of his body. Rick, her now ex-boyfriend, was rushed to the hospital where doctors were able to successfully reattached his penis. Afraid of this happening again, Rick broke it off via text message with Becky.

Word spread via social media that Becky needed help paying her $10,000 bond. The response from the male community was overwhelming. At time of this writing over 475 men showed up to the L.A. county courthouse to pay her bond. One lucky gentlemen named Reggie, was able to put up the $10,000 to free Becky Smithson.


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