Woman Strips Naked, Chases Jehovah’s Witnesses Off Her Porch And Down The Street Yelling, “Succumb To My Devil Vagina Magic!”


Fillmore California – Brandy Williams has been taken to Ventura County jail after an altercation involving two Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ms. Williams was seen running naked after two young men on bicycles who were going door to door to spread the message of Christ in her neighborhood. Brandy saw the men about 3 houses away from hers and decided right then and there to strip off her clothes and give these guys a memory they will not soon forget.

“Ms. Williams thought it would be funny to strip naked and answer the door in the nude to shock these young men. The two men sat stunned on her porch for a brief moment before returning to their bicycles. They are familiar with folks being rude, but what Ms. Williams did next went a little too far”, Deputy Sheriff MacEwen.

It’s not everyday you see a naked woman chasing two men down the street. – Neighbor Tom Ellison

The men, Luke and John are used to people being rude, slamming doors, and even yelling at them, but for a naked woman to greet them at the door, that was quite the shock. Neither one had seen a woman naked before and they didn’t quite know how to respond. Not to mention the strange erotic sensations they were feeling for the first time as well. It was quite obvious that their message was not going to be heard at this particular house and that it was time to move on to the next one.

When the men went to return to their bikes, Brandy wasn’t yet done trying to get under their skin. A nude Brandy started speaking of her vagina and the “Devil’s” magic it contained. “Take a good look at my p*ssy. Succumb to my devil vagina magic”. This got the attention of the pair of men. They began to fear what may happened next and began to pedal away.

Brandy took off running after them, but she did not make it too far as neighbors had already informed police of an altercation involving their neighbor and the two young men. She was apprehended without incident and after having their statements taken the men were free to go to spread the word of God.


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